LIBERTY TREE precinct project


The original Liberty Tree was a Grand Elm that stood in Boston, Massachusetts prior to the American Revolution. From its branches, ten years before formal declaration of hostilities, American patriots hung an effigy of Andrew Oliver, a colonist chosen to impose the Stamp Act by King George the III. With this courageously defiant act, America was born.


The tree immediately became the symbol and rallying point for American resistance. A period of building violence from both sides of this conflict ensued under the canopy of this great tree, culminating in the British felling the tree in an attempt to demoralize the American colonists. It was probably this very elm Jefferson had in mind when he said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Astute observers may have noticed that we have chosen the olive, instead of the Elm, as our symbolic Liberty Tree. The olive tree is hearty.  She can be denuded of her branches, dug up and hauled to unfamiliar lands and will, if planted with care, still flower and bear fruit. Her branches symbolize peace. These trees are long lived. And they might be 100 years old before they bear quality fruit. The fruit they bear is full of essential nutrients.


Is Liberty not like the precious fruit of the olive? Does the olive branch get broken and abused by those that would steal her fruit rather than grow it? Will it take some time to restore the tree to health and vigor? Will her roots suffer from negligence, and will she still need the blood of patriots? Can she grow from an infusion of new blood, rather than a drenching of spilt blood? What better tree is there to symbolize a peaceful return to our Founding Fathers’ vision of Liberty?

The Precinct system has been set up for almost 200 years, and it is perhaps the only peaceful and constitutional way to take back our country. For half of these years, our citizens have been lulled into complacency and away from a basic understanding of the Precinct system. Briefly, “people are policy.” Because our Founders set up this country as a representative democracy, or a Republic, the more involved you are with your party, the more weight your opinion carries.

As a precinct leader, you set policy for our elected officials. It turns out, therefore, that when you, dear reader, become the Precinct Executive of your party (the Executive Committeeman who helps set policy) you now hold the most powerful office in America. And, since many of these positions lie vacant, it is often a shockingly easy office to attain.

Jefferson said, “the natural process of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.” Will restoring Liberty take some effort? Yes! Because to resist a “natural process,” by definition, requires energy. The amount of energy required is determined by the force of the “process.” This “process” has likely been going on for 100 years, and is growing exponentially. So, simply put, this will take a steady application of effort for some time to come.

Like the long-lived olive, it may be decades before we see thriving fruit again. We cannot rely on one individual, or some “cult of personality” to rescue us; it is, very simply, UP TO US! But take solace in what Samuel Adams once said: “it does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

In Liberty,

The Liberty Tree Precinct Project

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.


This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it.
Everybody was sure Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody
wouldn’t do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody.

What Sorcery Is This? What the Liberty Movement Could Learn From SC Political Rhetoric


“There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.”
– Voltaire

Ever wonder why politicians do a lot of talking but seem to actually say very little?  Have you noticed that you automatically like a good speaker?  Have you ever been motivated to clap enthusiastically after a particularly moving speech?

How about listening to a speech from a pundit you already knew you didn’t agree with, but after their delivery was done, you couldn’t put your finger on any single phrase or utterance that seemed unreasonable?

That happened to me the first time I ever listened to an entire Lindsey Graham speech from start to finish, live, and in person.  I knew there was no policy with which I could agree nor a shared opinion with the man, but for some strange reason, his speech seemed, well, reasonable.

Two years later, I find myself at the SC GOP convention listening to a whole lot of illogical men and women giving reasonable (but terribly boring and not well constructed) speeches.  Why do I think the speakers are illogical?  One man professes to be a devout Christian who wants to bomb a Middle East country “back to the 7th century” and acknowledges that a transgender person is a woman (just as long as that person feels that way).  Putting aside all opinion and political correctness, these statements seem illogical.  Peaceful, loving Christians wouldn’t advocate genocide and a man that feels he is a woman is still a man.  (For that matter, a surgically and chemically altered womanly man is still a man, isn’t he, er, I mean she?  I’m just not sure.)  But the crowd smiles and goes along with it, clapping and nodding their heads in agreement with the speaker and to each other.

Also at this convention, another politician (Lindsey, again) urges non-supportive Republican voters to find common ground with him and meet somewhere in the middle, immediately adding, “I’m still gonna be me, I’m still gonna be Lindsey!” to enthusiastic applause.  This is illogical if he means he isn’t going to compromise.  But perhaps he meant he wasn’t going to transgender.  Again, I’m just not sure.

How do they do it?  What magic do they employ to get people to agree with illogical conclusions that sound reasonable, get voters to protect their incumbency over and over again despite clear political disparities or at least get them not to complain too loudly?


I began exploration into this matter two years ago after listening to that “reasonable” Graham speech.  Here’s what I found out:  all rhetoric employs one or more of three elements.  The three elements are logos, or logic; ethos, or trust; and pathos, or emotion.

Very simply, logos can be described as, “I understand this person, so I believe him”, ethos as, “I don’t understand what this person I trust is saying, but since I trust him, I will agree with them”, and pathos as, “I don’t understand this person, but they move me, so I agree with them.”

Lindsey and other politicians use these three elements effectively. But Lindsey does two other things rather commonly.  One of them is an old Dale Carnegie technique that Dale called Principle Five in Part Three of his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, or more simply, “get the other person saying,“Yes, yes” immediately.”

The book has four parts with over thirty principles.  However, I have seen Lindsey use only one of them. So, it appears Lindsey is a one trick pony with regard to Dale Carnegie, at least in his speech making.

The “yes, yes” principle, requires the audience to answer affirmatively to a few softball questions before moving into more challenging issues.  This psychologically primes the listener to be agreeable to the speaker when the harder facts follow.  A speaker applying the “yes, yes” principle is also employing the use of the element of ethos. In other words, by getting a listener to say, “yes, yes,” they are creating trust.  (“I’ve said “yes” to this person at least twice before, so maybe I must be able to trust this person, right?”).  To be effective, the speaker needs to be sure that the first two questions are very likely to elicit an answer in the affirmative.  A good example might be, “We all want to breathe fresh air, right?”  or, “We don’t want to be unsafe, do we?”  Even in contentious or stressful situations, one can easily get the other party to say “yes.”  One might say, “We both want a solution to this problem, don’t we?” or, “Can we talk about this?”

But even so, Lindsey is a little sloppier in application of the “yes, yes” principle because he sometimes asks his audience questions that actually have a chance of a negative reaction-something Dale just would not do.  I have seen Lindsey ask his audience if they like to play golf or if they agree that we are at war with the Taliban, for example.  (Not everyone likes to golf and Congress has yet to declare war.)  It’s hard to know if this risk-taking, yes-getting questioning is intentional or instead results from a poor application of the technique.  But a very good example of the “yes, yes” principle is demonstrated by Lindsey, when he asked NRA members if they had a favorite gun.  (I doubt anyone at the NRA convention said, “no.”)  And another time when facing a difficult crowd at a town-hall style meeting, he pleadingly asked, “can we agree on this?”  Some people might have still answered negatively, but at least you could see that Lindsey was trying!

But, even though its obvious that Graham needs some brushing up on his Dale Carnegie, he does offer an   interesting and effective variation on the “yes, yes” principle. He often asks for a show of hands of those in the audience that would answer “yes” to his questions.  In doing so, he is utilizing ethos, but this time, it is trust in your peers that he garners upon the listener.  It is “peer pressure” on those inclined not to say “yes” while the rest of the audience does so.  Perhaps this is how he is able to ask those not so guaranteed “yes” getting questions.  Is he doing this on purpose?  I think so.

Lindsey is also very good at applying a second rhetorical technique called an “enthymeme.”

Aristotle best describes this rhetorical technique using the terms syllogism (a three part grammatical proof, of sorts), informal syllogism (omitting one of the three parts) and enthymeme (a rhetorical syllogism used in orations.)  Aristotle, and politicians who use enthymemes for that matter, are employing the element of logos when they do so.  They are compelling the listener to believe what they are saying is logical, even when it isn’t.

Here is an example of a logical syllogism, from Wikipedia:

“All humans are mortal. (major premise – assumed)
Socrates is human. (minor premise – stated)
Therefore, Socrates is mortal. (conclusion – stated)”

By dropping the major premise, the derived informal syllogism would then be:

“Socrates is mortal because he’s human.”

Lindsey knows that native South Carolinians are proud of their heritage and they tend to trust each other more than those from out-of-state.  Here is an actual informal syllogism that Lindsey stated in the last primary.  In effect, he wrote:

“I was born in South Carolina, therefore I am a conservative.”

Fellow native South Carolinians no doubt swelled with pride upon reading this and as a result felt an involuntary emotional bond to Lindsey at the same time.  In this way, Lindsey was utilizing the element of pathos, but also because of the trust South Carolinians automatically grant each other, he was simultaneously utilizing the element of ethos.  And, for the hat trick, Lindsey was also using logos, because his statement was in enthymeme form.  Not bad, Lindsey!  Not bad, at all.  The most likely result of those South Carolinians reading this statement, especially with conservatives, was to agree with Lindsey that he was conservative and ignore the logic that some native South Carolinians are actually liberal.

(Lindsey is actually a good example of one of those, contrary to his enthymeme.)

Politicians will often intentionally or unintentionally misstate a premise but follow a logical progression from the minor premise to the conclusion so it creates the illusion of a logical progression.  Hence, debaters who want to avoid falling into that rhetorical trap will counter, “I don’t agree with your premise.”

Lindsey’s enthymeme, “I was born in South Carolina, therefore I am a conservative,” in formal syllogistic form would read:

All South Carolinians are conservative,I was born in South Carolina, therefore I am a conservative.”

By dropping the illogical major premise and retreating to the informal syllogism (an enthymeme) Lindsey avoids causing dissonance in the ear of the listener.

Time and time again in his speeches, Lindsey Graham employs both enthymemes (a deceptive form of logos), the “yes, yes” principle (a form of ethos) and even pathos, especially the pathos of fear.

For example, Lindsey has stated that a nuclear bomb will be delivered in the belly of a ship to a major port in the U.S.; that the global economy would collapse if banks were not given a bailout of tax payer money; that ISIS would kill “every Christian, and Jew, and Vegetarian” in their way; that 20 million people would swim across the river to have their baby here….and the fear-mongering continues, unfortunately.

Liberty candidates rarely use ethos and pathos in their oral communications choosing instead to remain in their comfort zone and focus almost solely on logos.  This might be a mistake when a recent study suggested that the attention span of the average American is just four seconds.  It is just not possible to explain any concept logically to anyone in this amount of time.  But with ethos and pathos, four second communication is very possible.  Non-Liberty candidates achieve this rapid communication using the tools Liberty candidates loathe.  If Liberty candidates are to compete successfully, they will need to study their adversaries and learn how they can do it too.  The good news is our adversaries do not do it very well and that we can do it better!

We need to learn how to use, practice and employ all of these tools- and  we need to do it quickly!

And it wouldn’t hurt to also learn a little more Dale Carnegie while we’re at it!

editors note: more on this topic to follow!

Lady Liberty Dances!


Liberty and other conservatives activists have seized many Executive Committeeman positions and even more delegate slots within the Charleston Republican Party- much, much more than the last reorganization.  Participation in reorganizations around the county has increased ten fold. This is a dramatic victory for the local Liberty movement! It is not not too late if you’d care to join us!  There is one last chance to get on board!   On Thursday, March 19, the Charleston County GOP re-organization make-up meeting will be held at North Charleston City Hall, 2500 City Hall Lane from 7 to 8 PM.  It is very likely you could qualify as a delegate to the County Convention held on April 11 at 11AM at the Orange Grove Elementary School located at 1225 Orange Branch Rd. in Charleston.  Here we will have the important task of choosing the local conservative leadership of the party and rejecting the return of the ineffective political class.  There will be a poll for the Presidential candidates.  You could select Charleston’s preferred candidate for the 2016 Presidential race and possibly influence the opinion of the rest of the State and Nation! And if you’d like to be more than a delegate, some Executive Committeeman positions still remain open and vulnerable, as are many more precinct officer positions.  This will be your last chance to help before the 2016 elections as the next re-organization is a full two years away.  The only thing stopping you is, well…. you. If Liberty is to survive and thrive, we will need your help! image   Other County make up re-organizations and conventions are: Barnwell County re-organization makeup is March 23 at 7PM. Barnwell Co. Library, 49 Burr St, Barnwell. The convention is April 13. Dorchester County re-organization makeup is March, 26th before our regular monthly meeting. The Dorchester. County Convention will be on April 18th at Fort Dorchester High School. Florence County re-organization makeup date is Saturday, March 21st at Poynor Adult Education, Room 2-A, beginning at 10:00 am. Lexington County re-organization make up Is Saturday March 7th, at 9:00AM, Lexington Main Library, 5440 Augusta Road, Lexington, SC and the LCGOP County Convention is Saturday April 11th, 2015 8:30AM, 12:00AM, at the Meadow Glen Middle School Auditorium, 440 Ginny Lane, Lexington, SC 29072. Orangeburg County makeup will be at the regular Third Thursday meeting on Mar. 19 at 7 pm at Rosalia’s Restaurante Mexicano, 1058 Russell Street. If your County is not listed, make the effort to call your local Chairman for the date and location.  DO NOT ACCEPT ANY INFORMATION AS ACCURATE FROM UNSOLICITED PHONE CALLS WITHOUT CONFIRMING IT THROUGH OTHER SOURCES.  Ye Ol’ Establishment (currently marginalized and in defensive mode) is running several disinformation and misdirection campaigns.  DOUBLE CHECK ALL IMPORTANT INFORMATION  BY USING MULTIPLE RESOURCES.

2015 GOP Reorganization SC Counties Announced


All individuals interested in advancing Liberty in the Republican Party will need to bring their driver’s license and voter registration card to their re-organization meeting.  Membership fees are waived this year but there will be a small fee to attend the County Convention.

Barnwell County re-organization is Mon. March 9 at the Barnwell Co. Library, 49 Burr St, Barnwell at 7pm.

Beaufort County re-organization is Tuesday, March 3
Thursday, March 5, Friday, March 6, Saturday, March 7
And Wednesday, March 11
If you have questions, contact your Regional Director

Berkeley County re-organization is March 16, 2015 7:00 PM
Berkeley Electric Cooperative, Goose Creek

Charleston County the Make-up meeting is Thurs., Mar. 19 from 7 to 8 pm at North Charleston City Hall, 2500 City Hall Lane.
Dorchester County re-organization is Monday March 9th at Summerville High School and the other on March 12th at Fort Dorchester High School. In both cases, the doors open at 6:30 pm, the meeting starts at 7:00 pm and the voting starts at 7:30 pm. There will be several precincts holding their own re-organizations, especially in the upper part of the county.

Florence County re-organization is Monday, March 9 at 7:00pm  Floyd Conference Center – 1592 Freedom Blvd., Florence, SC

Greenville County re-organization is March 16 at 7 PM at your regular polling location.

Horry County re-organization is “probably” Saturday, March 21st.  Stay tuned for more info.

Kershaw County re-organization is March 12th, 6 PM. 1.Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce – 607 Broad Street, Camden for Precincts: Airport, Antioch, Camden 1-6, Camden 5a, Charlotte, Thompson, East Camden/Heritage, Liberty Hill, Malvern Hill, Riverdale, Shaylor’s Hill, and White Gardens  2. Hard Times Cafe, Hwy. 1, Cassatt for Precincts Bethune, Buffalo, Cassatt, Gatesford, and Westville  3. Lugoff Elgin High School, Hwy. 1 South, Lugoff for Precincts Lugoff 1-4, and Rabon Crossroads   4. Elgin Townhall, Main Street, Elgin for Precincts: Elgin 1-5, Salt Pond, and Doby’s Mill.

Lexington County re-organization is Thursday, March 5th, 2015 – 6:30PM – 8:00PM.                                             Northern DistrictSt. Andrews Presbyterian Church 6952 St. Andrews Road, Columbia SC  Amick’s Ferry, Bush River, Challendon, Chapin, Coldstream, Dreher Island, Dutchman Shores, Gardendale, Grenadier, Irmo, Lincreek, Murraywood, Old Lexington, Quail Valley, Seven Oaks, St. Michael, Whitehall, and Woodland Hills.  Eastern & Southern DistrictsGrace Baptist Church (Hansen Chapel) 416 Denham Ave., West Columbia, SC  Chalk Hill, Congaree 1, Congaree 2, Emmanuel Church, Gaston 1, Gaston 2, Mack Edisto, Pelion 1, Pelion 2, Pine Ridge 1, Pine Ridge 2, Sandy Run, Sharpe’s Hill, Swansea 1, and Swansea 2. Cayce 1, Cayce 2, Cayce 2A, Cayce 3, Edenwood, Hook’s Store, Leaphart Road, Mt. Hebron, Old Barnwell Road, Pineview, Quail Hollow, Saluda River, Springdale, Springdale South, West Columbia 1, West Columbia 2, West Columbia 3, West Columbia 4, and Westover.  Central B & Western DistrictsPleasant Hill Middle School 660 Rawl Road, Lexington, SC  Barr Road 1,  Barr Road 2, Bethany, Boiling Springs, Boiling Springs South, Cedar Crest, Cromer, Edmund, Kitti Wake, Oakwood, Red Bank, Red Bank South 1, Red Bank South 2, Round Hill, Sand Hill, St. David’s, White Knoll, Carolina Springs, Platt Springs 1, and Platt Springs 2. Batesburg, Beulah Church, Fairview, Gilbert, Hollow Creek, Leesville, Mims, Pond Branch, Ridge Road, and Summit. Central A DistrictGreater Lexington Chamber & Visitors Center 311 W. Main Street, Lexington, SC  Faith Church, Lake Murray 1, Lake Murray 2, Lexington 1, Lexington 2, Lexington 3, Lexington 4, Midway, Mount Horeb, Park Road 1, Park Road 2, Pilgrim Church, Providence Church, and River Bluff.

Pickens County re-organization is March 19, 6PM Rosewood Center, 419 E. Main St, Liberty, SC 29657

Spartanburg County is March 16 at 7 PM at your regular polling location.

Sumter County re-organization is March 5,
6:15 pm – 8:00 pm at the Wikked Buffalo Wings on Broad St.

York County re-organization is March 19.

2015 Re-organization announced for CCGOP


“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”- author unknown

It seems the torch of Liberty continues to burn brightly as evidenced by the waves of inquiries we have been receiving with regard to the precinct project. It is obvious that many of you understand it is time to stop blaming our circumstances, and instead of looking for the circumstances we want, or waiting for them to arrive on some imaginary ship that never comes in, we need to go out and make them. This is how the Founders imagined a functioning Republic would survive: with you actively participating at the precinct level. So, thanks for everyone’s patience while waiting for the reorganization locations to announced.  The 2015 CCGOP Precinct Re-organization is scheduled for Saturday, March 7 from 10 AM to Noon.  In some cases, it starts at 9:30 (see below).


If you vote in Awendah/McClellanville: Awendah Town Hall
6971 Doar Rd. (March 14 @ 11 AM)

If you vote Mt Pleasant 1-16: the Mount Pleasant Waterworks,1619 Rifle Range Rd.

If you vote in Mt Pleasant 17-29: Seacoast Church 750 Long Point Rd.

If you vote in Mt Pleasant 30-39: Rusty Rudder Restaurant 3563 N. Hwy 17 and will start at 10AM to 11AM.  “It will start and finish on time. For sociality, we are encouraging attendees and precinct officers to stay for lunch after the re-org.”

If you vote on IOP/Sullivan’s Island: the IOP Exchange Club,  201 Palm Blvd at 11 AM.

If you vote on the Charleston Peninsula: Charleston Math and Science Charter, 1002 King St.

If you vote in St. Andrews 1-6, 9: Ryan’s Steak House, 3563 N. Hwy 17

If you vote in St. Andrews 7,8,10,14,15,16,17,18 and 26:  International Church of God, 1560 Ashley River Rd.

If you vote in St. Andrews 11,12,13, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 Northbridge Baptist, 1160 Sam Rittenberg Blvd.

If you vote in St. Andrews 27-37: McAlister-Smith Bees Ferry 2501 Bees Ferry Rd.

If you vote in St Paul’s/Edisto: Dean Walker’s Family Restaurant, 6281 Hwy 162, Meggett 9:30- 11:00 AM

If you vote on John’s Island, Seabrook or Wadmalaw: the Berkeley Electric Building, 3351 Maybank Hwy.

If you vote on James Island or Folly Beach: location has CHANGED to McAlister-Smith Funeral Chapel, 347 Folly Rd. 10AM to Noon.

SITE CHANGED – Deer Park & ALL North Charleston Precincts -Felix C. Davis Community Center, Park Circle.

Other dates to save are:

Saturday, April 11 at 11AM for the County Convention where you will be making a difference by voting for the local party officers.  There will also be a straw poll for Presidential candidates!

Saturday, May 2 for the State Convention where you will make a difference by voting for the State leadership and the State party platform.

We will discuss strategy for these events in the near future.


Just showing up: The path to victory


image           [Submitted by James Trementozzi for the LTPP]

It’s that simple.

Although many of you may doubt this, I can assure you that it IS that simple. Most people won’t hesitate to leave a scathing remark on a Facebook feed, a comment on an online article or have a strong opinion at the bar. Those same people would be better served to show up at a reorganization. Trust me, there’s no, and I mean ZERO, resistance. In most cases you will be the ONLY PERSON IN YOUR PRECINCT.

Last precinct reorganization I convinced my wife to join me. We were rookies and admittedly nervous. What we encountered shocked us. Out of, say, 13 precincts only 7 had people show up. Almost fully HALF of those precincts went unorganized. And only 3 precincts had more than 1 person which means that 4 precincts had an unopposed Executive Committeeman. There was an elderly gentleman in our precinct that attended. And even though we came to become an EC (Exec. Committeeman) and President, we offered him the EC position. He was so happy to see us “young people” show up and “give a damn” that he refused. We fumbled our way through the procedure but we did it! This website for the Liberty Tree Precinct Project is designed to instill confidence in you and prevent fear of fumbling.

I should mention that there may be a “miraculously” loaded precinct. Daniel Island did have a half dozen people show up. Of course it was chock full of establishment republicans. The entire reorganization process that we experienced was a cordial proceeding with no issues.
So why don’t you hear about these reorganizations? Maybe the status quo doesn’t want the competition, maybe they’re afraid of a take over? Most likely it’s apathy. Everyday Joe’s like myself find it difficult to believe that it’s easy to become an EC. This position allows you to vote in Excom meetings and it’s a critical step to become a State Delegate. At the State level we can affect our local government.

So don’t be like this:

Tied up with the conviction that you cannot institute change.

The only thing stopping you is the illusion that you can’t do it. If this high school dropout, Yankee transplant that has been pummeled with liberal indoctrination tactics for 35 years can do it, anyone can!

[Editor’s note: CCGOP reorganization is scheduled Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 10:30AM to Noon.  Other counties may be scheduled differently.  For Charleston County this year, reorganization will be decentralized over many regional locations to make it even easier for you to attend.  Contact us for details.]

a Numbers Game



In the 2014 SC primary, most counties counted ballots that represented less than 20% of the total eligible voters. In most cases, the numbers were in the teens. Hampton county recorded the highest at 38% eligible voter participation for the highest score in the State, but was certainly the exception. Consider the small representative sample below (for all the data, you can go here: ).

County        Ballots     Eligible    Percent
Berkeley     17,929       104,408     17.17 %
Calhoun       1,533       10,149       15.10 %
Charleston   28,149     247,208      11.39 %
Cherokee      6,338      30,299       20.92 %
Chester         4,185      19,887       21.04 %
Chesterfield   7,044       24,292      29.00 %
Clarendon      3,432       22,642      15.16 %
Colleton         3,646.      23,198     15.72 %

In Charleston county, most precincts reported a total of less than 150 ballots cast, with about a sixty percent majority for the incumbent. This stands in stark contrast to the general election, where Charleston County reported 100,935 ballots of 252,881 eligible voters for a 39.91% participation rate.

Are there lessons to be learned here?

The electorate does not seem to understand the importance of a primary election. Most local people informally surveyed the DAY OF the primary had no idea what a primary meant or even that one was taking place. One self-proclaimed staunch Republican commented that he’d like the incumbent Senator removed from office, but didn’t have time to attend the primary. When he was told that it was likely the Senator would survive the primary if enough voters didn’t show up, he said he’d vote for the “other Republican” in the general election come November!

So, it’s very likely that a dumbed down electorate is a good explanation for this low participation. On the other hand, many reasons for not voting are often voiced by those that do know something about politics. They range from lamentations that their vote does not make much of a difference, or that voter fraud determines the outcome, or that the candidates offered do not inspire their interest, or to “withdrawing their consent” for an unfair system by not participating in it.

And so it goes that relatively unknown challengers continue to fail against incumbents with name recognition. Intelligent third party candidates continue to receive 3% of the total vote or less. And Incumbents survive- no, thrive!  And for another four or six years depending on the office, Liberty grows weaker and more dim.

But let’s not argue about the reasons, philosophy, or the “why of it all”. Lets not discuss the old and tired arguments on whether one should vote or not. Let’s get creative and, for one moment, consider things as a seasoned gambler might…as an accountant, a statistician, an actuarian, or as a technical stock investor might consider things. Let’s look at the numbers: the numbers are low.

Are you starting to think what I am thinking?


According to the Center for the Study of the American Electorate, “high levels of involvement lessen the chances that both parties and politics will be dominated by narrow ideology and interest. Low levels make that result probable.

Despite what one might hope for the Liberty movement one thing is painfully obvious: that those that seek fairness, reasonableness, independence, self-reliance, less government, more capitalism and freedom, less cronyism and corruption; that those that seek Liberty are a group well-defined, currently, as a “narrow ideology and interest” at the polls.

Our best shot at installing Liberty and Liberty-minded candidates is right now while the numbers at the polls are low. At the precinct level in Charleston, this meant finding 40 more like minded voters out of 1400 voters per precinct!  That is very do-able.  If the electorate is dumb, asleep, uninspired, let’s be smart, awake and inspired! Let’s take this thing by the numbers.  It can only get done with a strong precinct system (an infrastructure) in place.  A strong precinct system for Liberty will ensure your candidate gets fair treatment.  Let’s start with the reorganization that is rapidly approaching in March.

We need Executive Committeemen, Presidents and other officers for Mt. Pleasant 02, 08, 10, 11, 12, 15, and 17 for N. Charleston 09, 10, 11, 12, and 13 for St. Andrews 01, 02, 03, 07, 08, 09, and 10 for Charleston 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21.

Democracy is Something You Do


imageDemocracy is something a nation does rather than something it has.

Consider that Thomas Jefferson said, “lethargy [is] the forerunner of death to the public liberty” and “…the spirit of the times may alter, will alter. Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless…They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights;” that Plato said, “the punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men;” that Charles de Montesquieu said, “the tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy;” that Ronald Reagan added, “freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again;” that in response to the question of what kind of government we might have, Ben Franklin said, “A Republic, if you can keep it!”

It was clear to these men that active, not passive, participation is required by all that expect to see it manifested well. And it was not just by casting a vote that defined active participation. One had to be engaged more deeply than that.

It was mostly Thomas Jefferson who in his retirement, worked to correct what he sensed was the greatest defect of the newly established representative democracy in America: a lack of public involvement. In a series of letters he wrote about a great educational system to educate the electorate. He also wrote about the division of the country into “wards” based on the model established in New England, where groups of families determined solutions to problems on a very local level. Specifically, in a letter to Samuel Kercheval, he wrote, “These wards [of approximately 100 families], called townships in New England, are the vital principle of their governments and have proved themselves the wisest invention ever devised by the wit of man for the perfect exercise of self-government and for its preservation.”

This Jeffersonian concept was not original and had at least two historical examples of success. As pointed out by W. Clean Skousen in his book the 5000 Year Leap, it was first established by the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribes of early England and the early Israelites who had a strong sense of personal responsibility and desire for freedom from centralized power. They had codified these ideas in a system called “Common Law” or the “People’s Law,” respectively.

But how to get there from here?

It is repeatedly expressed within the Liberty movement that the only way things will change is through violent revolution or a complete collapse of the present system. Things have deteriorated so much, it is proposed, that no reasonable return to our founders’ concept of a functioning Republic can be navigated. A total collapse is necessary for a “reset” of the system.

But a study of recent history, does not agree with this premise at all.

Look at Greece, where a total economic collapse has led to increased political corruption and a total loss of autonomy to a global banking system. Look at Ireland, where propping up unsustainable debt has led to the taxpayer bearing the financial burden for the ever more distant “infinite horizon”, continuing loss of sovereignty and economic morass. The path to this same result is already unfolding in the slowly developing economic crises in Spain and Portugal. It remains to be seen if a pattern will emerge in France and Italy as well, resulting in more indebtedness, more ceding of sovereignty, and more economic misery.*

It appears that waiting for a collapse may be a very bad idea.

In her book, On Revolution, Hannah Arendt describes the anatomy of modern revolutions, such as the Arab Spring. She points out that “Revolutionaries” do not start the revolution, they lay in wait for a collapse of the present system to occur. They then disrupt the organic formation of “local councils” that emerge in the vacuum of leadership: a true, vulnerable democracy. Violence is a hallmark attribute of these “revolutionaries” which typically install tyrannies often worse than their predecessors before any true democracy can take root.

But what if this formation of “local councils” was established well before any crisis occurred? Could a well entrenched, healthy, active and vibrant organic representative democracy survive any shocks sent its way? We think so and so did your founders.

We believe that revitalizing the precinct system is the most energy efficient way to quickly develop a local stabilizing network of like minded individuals. No new infrastructure need be established and we can affect the current political system in the meantime.  Start with yourself, your family, and your neighbors.

If you are in the Mt Pleasant 19 or 39, James island 10, 13 or 17, St. Andrews 10, or Charleston 8 or 13 or the McClellanville or St Paul 2A precincts for Charleston County, please contact us right away!

*(Iceland represents the only outlier in this progression. By repudiating the cowardly strategy of acquiring more debt and allowing for the liquidation of bad investments, their economy has bounced back from total collapse and is now thriving.)

If you’d like to continue independent exploration of the ideas presented in this letter you can start here:

For Liberty,

The Liberty Tree Precinct Project